July 7, 2017
moving home
Spectrum is consolidating our offices. Today is Move Day for our Dallas team.
From Monday 10th of July, our Dallas based staff are at our new offices on Level 5 of the Hume City Hub, the current site at 61 Riggall St, Dallas. On Monday 24th of July, our Preston based staff will join them.
Our new office phone number is 03 9977 9000.
For home care services please continue to call 1300 735 653.
All staff mobile numbers remain the same.
The new Level 5 office offers a fresh, new welcoming space that reflects our brand and values, while bringing the majority of our team together enables us to start to build upon our Spectrum team values and culture.
Spectrum provides a lifetime of services to people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to feel at home in Australia. This move enables Spectrum to respond to the shifting migrant and refugee populations within the Melbourne Metro, with one main head office, smaller satellites and growing flexibility and mobility to respond to clients in their places, and empowering employees to work flexibly.
The Hume City Hub building in Dallas has become home for a number of our partner organisations including AMES, Arabic WElfare, Foundation House and Salvation Army (Crossroads), so this will further enhance our collaboration.