Purposeful impact drives Spectrum ahead
Spectrum’s board welcomed the release of its 2017/18 Annual Report at yesterday’s Annual General Meeting.
2017/18 was a significant year for Spectrum and our work with people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Moreno Grison, Chair of the Spectrum board launches this report with the timely reminder “that Australia is a successful multicultural society forged by immigration.”
Spectrum CEO, Bernie Nott speaks of the challenge ahead, “These times call for courage, compassion, empathy, innovation and thought leadership. The year ahead will see us continue to embrace change, seek out opportunities to partner and collaborate and create an inclusive tomorrow for all those who seek to feel at home in Australia.”
Spectrum has a long history of contributing to culturally diverse communities; providing practical support; attending to social and economic needs and facilitation of strong and lasting community connections.
This Annual Report celebrates both the collective impact of this diverse organisation, and the engaging stories of the moments that matter in the everydays of Melbourne’s kaleidoscope of cultural communities. Key areas of impact include:
- 192,109 hours of service delivered to clients who are ageing or experiencing a disability
- 12,631 attendances at services or programs
- 7238 clients and support people supported by Spectrum’s settlement services programs
- 586 people welcomed and supported through the Humanitarian Settlement Program
A copy of the report is available on Spectrum’s website www.spectrumvic.org.au.