Justice a foundation to opportunity
Creating opportunity is a gravitational force at Spectrum. Commitment to justice for all underpins this at every level.
As a key connectivity linchpin for newly arrived people in Victoria, and Australia’s largest single entity settlement services provider, Spectrum places access to justice as a constant thread within our everyday practise.
It means that our teams, working every day within communities, in our programs and in the homes of people across Melbourne, are the frontline to identifying people who may be experiencing difficulties accessing our justice systems, or simply needing further explanation of how systems work.
Often times the first step is simply breaking down barriers between our clients and law enforcement agencies. Many people’s journey’s and experiences of trauma, have corroded trust and confidence in uniforms, and systems. With clear communication and supported access, trust can be re-built.
We work collaboratively both within and across our teams, and with our partner organisations including:
- guiding response to infringements, and supporting navigation of recourse, through our weekly drop in sessions;
- co-location of Northern Community Legal Service with Spectrum, providing fortnightly clinics by two solicitors, to support client needs & address issues;
- wrap around service models, including hosting Centrelink sessions, providing a wraparound service that has included Centrelink, Victoria Police, AMES, Arabic Welfare, Melbourne Polytechnic, Kangan Tafe, AMEPs, & Foundation House resulting in a 60% increase in attendance in sessions;
- prevention by increasing awareness and understanding of Australia’s laws, and the legal systems through sessions in our youth Hub Club program and Parenting in a New Culture Program;
- working closely with Victoria police to provide wrap around service experiences including presence at AFP Leadership Camp at Airey’s Inlet Youth Leadership Camps, and almost every single event!