Connections: Joelle and Grace
Joelle Satmy has been a familiar face at Spectrum, providing reception and administration support since 2022. Just as she prepares to leave Spectrum to pursue her dream career in engineering, her sister Grace is being welcomed to the Spectrum team as a Migration Liaison Officer. The same, but different – the sisters share a deep bond, strengthened by their refugee and settlement journey.
JOELLE: Me and Grace are like twins because the difference between us is only a year and three months. So, she was with me always, even when we had a really hard time. We were always together, side by side, and especially when we travelled to Iraq.
It was very hard to stay in Syria and continue our life, especially leaving our friends and families. I was 21, she was 20 and we had to work because we have to pay too much for everything. We decided, me and my sister, to stay together, to work together and to try to arrive here – Australia – which was our goal from the beginning. Do you know I had refusal from Australia when we first applied? We were a special case because my dad passed away 12 years ago. They called us and they said, “are you happy to come to Europe?” and I told them, “if you can bring me to Australia, I’m happy to come”.
I had a few friends here and they told me a little bit about Australia. I liked that the language here is English; I can speak English a little bit. I said to myself and to my sisters, if we get that chance, we can continue our studies there.
Me and my sister, we are always sharing everything together – we have a different personality, but same values, how we think, and same goals. We wanted to study, we wanted to work. We want to be good role models for our other sisters.
Grace is a really good person, very supportive. If any problem happened with anyone, she always takes my side even if I was wrong or right. I remember when I had a big problem with one of our friends, and I was a little bit wrong, but since my Grace came and she said, “don’t talk to my sister like that, even if she’s wrong”. Even though I already talk to the other person Grace doesn’t, because she said she doesn’t want to forgive her. Can you imagine?
She’s not emotional – she always thinks, you know, in her head, not in her heart when she wants to do anything. I’m more social. I like that she said for us to be always more active in our community.
Since we were children, my mom always bought everything the same for each of us, even food or any snacks. I remember, when we were 5-10 years old, and my mom would bring snacks to us and I’m always eating everything quickly. Grace was waiting for me until I finish, and then she will start to eat, to make me jealous. I love it. I always said “please, let me eat with you” and she’d say, “No, you’ve finished yours.”
I can understand how she’s thinking, because we’ve been all our life together. I can understand what she exactly means, even if she didn’t say anything. Sometimes another sister would come to me and I would explain to them what Grace meant. I’m always right, because I understand her, and she understands me as well. That makes us more strong.
When we came to Australia, I thought I’m not really good at speaking English. I was a bit nervous. The first three months it was lockdown, and it was hard for me and her. We went to the same class. It was to explain to us about the work environment here. At the end of this course, we had to do a two-week placement, and we went to different organisations to explore more and to tell each other what we saw. I chose Spectrum, and Grace went to another organisation. She did not like it that much, but I got the opportunity to work here. I already told her I had the best work environment ever and I tried to encourage her to come. So, she started doing volunteering here. And when she found the best opportunity for her to come to Spectrum, she applied, and she got it!
As you know, I’m leaving Spectrum, but I get to spend a month here with Grace and that makes me happy. I hope Grace continues what she wants to do and I’m really sure that she will spend a lovely time here as I have. I will always remember Spectrum, the organisation who supported me from the beginning. And now my sister is here, and she will do well, she can prove herself here. I know her skill and I’m really sure that she will be perfect.
GRACE: I have four sisters, and Joelle is the oldest one. I felt like she is always with me since I opened my eyes to this world. I tell her she’s been taking care of me every time, and we are standing with each other. Regardless of being sisters, we are the best friend of each other. I feel she is like my second mother, my backbone and my best friend – she has showed me everything in this life.
We went through a lot of hard times and good times. Like when we were refugees in Iraq, before we came to Australia. Leaving Syria was not a very easy choice, my youngest sister was maybe 10 years old, my father passed away in 2012 and my mother was in shock. So me and Joelle, we woke up one day and we felt like we are responsible for this family. Together we have the role as a second mother for our little sisters.
We cried together and we smiled together as well. I feel like every time I’m very tired, I will go to her, even though she is tired too. I feel like she’s taking care of me in many ways, like when she supported me when I have an exam. We encourage each other. I feel I don’t need anyone else to support me, because I have Joelle in my life. Last year, I had an accident, and Joelle is the first person I called. She arrived crying, asking, “where is Grace?” And she hugged me and asked, “Are you okay?” And she was step by step with me.
You know, we’re doing funny things, just to make sure the other is happy. We grew up as twins and we had a very cheeky childhood together. We do a lot pranks – I do a lot of pranks with Joelle and sometimes with my mother. We have three more sisters, and we all have the same personality – talking a lot, making everything funny. So sometimes, when we saw my mother just sitting around, we are five girls around her and making jokes.
Joelle and I have a very strong bond between each other. Okay, we don’t look like each other on the outside, but from inside, everyone who meets us says you feel like you are talking to the same person.
Yeah, it is sad (that Joelle is leaving) but I’m very proud of her and I really want to support her every time. I’m so happy for her, like she will find her way, and because she’s doing engineering, and I wanted her to get more experience in the field that she’s studying, because I know it’s the best for her.
This is a very hard time for me – she’s going to leave Spectrum, and I will miss her a lot. Also she’s getting married and she wants to move to another house with her groom. I will be alone for a little bit, but the good thing is she will be nearby. I can’t imagine my life without her.
I feel like sometimes she’s my responsibility, even though she’s my older sister. I prepare the lunch box for us, and she drives us here. Yeah, it’s teamwork every time! If I look into Joelle’s eyes, I can understand what she wants – I promise!
I hope for my sister to be a very successful, happy and safe because I really love her. This is love from my inside. I want to share her every moment because Joelle deserves all the best, really. She is the kindest person in the world, my soulmate and backbone. She is my best friend; she walks with me.
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