November 17, 2023

New employment program opens for Hume residents

Jobs Victoria Mentor Service co-locates at Spectrum office

Photo of the Jobs Victoria Mentor Service Team at the Spectrum Dallas office

The Jobs Victoria Mentor Service Team with Paul Ingham, Manager Settlement and Family Services at the Spectrum Dallas office

We are pleased to announce that the Jobs Victoria Mentor Service (JVMS) team has recently co-located with Spectrum at our Dallas office.

Jobs Victoria Mentors assist people to become work-ready, find a job that suits them, and support them in their new job during the first six months of employment. Jobs Victoria Mentors provide targeted support to people who face significant challenges finding employment, including:

  • people who are long-term unemployed (12 months or more), or
  • people who are at significant risk of long-term unemployment.

City of Hume residents who have been looking for work for a while or are facing challenges that make it harder to find a job, can contact JVMS for support.

‘The Jobs Victoria Mentor Service team is very excited to work at Spectrum and build a relationship and support Spectrum and the local community ,’ said Suraj Walson, JVMS Employment and Participation Lead.

The JVMS is provided by Whittlesea Community Connections, who have been an important Spectrum partner since 2017 as a subcontractor for our Settlement Engagement and Transition Support service.

‘Spectrum is thrilled to welcome the JVMS team to our office,’ said Paul Ingham, Manager Settlement and Family Services.
‘Migrant and refugee jobseekers face many barriers and JVMS will complement the work Spectrum is already doing to support our communities to find employment and achieve economic inclusion.

‘We look forward to working closely with the JVMS team to share knowledge and identify opportunities to achieve better outcomes for our clients.’

To find out more about JVMS:

To find out more about Spectrum’s employment programs:

  • Youth Transition Support service
  • Victorian African Communities Action Plan (VACAP) Employment Brokers Program
  • Skills First Reconnect
  • Working in a New Culture

Contact: Brent Serry, Manager Settlement Services,