disability services

building better lives for people with disabilities and their careers.

Spectrum offers a range of support services and group activities to help you engage with family, friends and the community, no matter what type of disability you have.

Support for all; all cultures, all people

We specialise in supporting people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and we understand the specific needs of people of migrant and refugee backgrounds. Our friendly, experienced support workers are bilingual and bicultural, so they can speak your language and understand your cultural preferences.

Make the most of the NDIS

Spectrum can help you to take full advantage of what is available to you through the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme).

Be the best advocate you can be

Spectrum understands that your advocacy role, is as unique as the person you are advocating for, their circumstance, family, community dynamics that surround you and them.  We offer support to access systems, support for carers and community-based respite services for older carers.

Spectrum’s fees and charges for NDIS services

The prices for all of Spectrum’s services and supports in the NDIS are in line with the latest NDIS Price Guide, which can accessed here


More information

To find out more about how we can assist you, contact us on 1300 735 653 to speak to our Disability Services team, or email us at mhss@spectrumvic.org.au.


Disability Advocacy:

Advocacy is helping someone to have their voice heard. Spectrum recognises the importance of maintaining your right to use an advocate or representative of your choice. You can select and involve an advocate or a chosen representative to participate or act on your behalf. Our staff will work cooperatively with your nominated advocate and show the same respect to the advocate as shown to you.

If you want more information about advocacy supports for people living with disability, go to