commonwealth home support program

The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) provides funding that underpins many of Spectrum’s services for people who are aging, and their carers.  These services help older people to come together, stay active, live independently and engage in the community.

Funded programs and services are for people who are:

  • Frail older people aged 65 years and over; or
  • Employed carers, or carers wishing to return to the workforce.

Here are just some of the services, funded through CHSP:

  • Centre-based respite in Preston and Whittlesea
  • Social support groups across Melbourne’s north
  • Flexible respite care at home or in the community
  • Support for carers offers highly flexible, short term assistance
  • Support services for people navigating the Home and Community Care Program
  • The Federation of Ethnic Senior Citizen Clubs

contact us

For more information about our programs and eligibility, or to find out how we can assist you, contact us on 1300 735 635  or send us an email at