Spectrum appreciates the continuing support of all Government funding bodies, businesses and individuals who continue to help us deliver services to our new Australian communities.
The Department develops and delivers policies and programs and advises the Australian Government on health, aged care and sport. They work with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure better health for all Australians.
The Department is responsible for central coordination, and strategy and policy leadership in relation to: cyber and critical infrastructure resilience and security; immigration; border security and management; counter-terrorism; the protection of our sovereignty; citizenship and social cohesion.
The Department's mission is to improve the wellbeing of individuals and families in Australian communities. It is responsible for programs and services in the areas of: Families and Children;
Housing Support; Seniors; Communities and Vulnerable People; Disability and Carers; Women's Safety; and Mental Health.
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) works hard to create equal opportunities for all Victorians to live a safe, respected and valued life. Our areas of focus are child protection, housing, disability, the prevention of family violence, multicultural affairs, LGBTIQ+ equality, veterans, women and youth.
The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions is focused on growing Victoria’s prosperity, building the productive capacity of our economy and increasing participation – by creating more opportunities for people through skills and jobs; helping businesses and industries to thrive; and building vibrant communities and regions.
The vision of the Department of Justice and Community Safety (the department) is for a justice and community safety system that works together to build a safer, fairer and stronger Victoria.
The role of Victoria Police is to serve the Victorian community and uphold the law to promote a safe, secure and orderly society. Victoria Police provides policing services to the Victorian community across 54 Police Service Areas, within 21 divisions and four regions.
The Centre for Multicultural Youth is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation supporting young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to build better lives in Australia.
Carers provide care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness or who are frail aged.
AMES Australia assists new and recently arrived refugees and migrants to settle in to Victoria, working with new arrivals but also with the community, business and Government to develop sustainable and effective settlement solutions for the whole Victorian community.
Lentara UnitingCare is a Victorian not-for-profit agency, and a part of the Uniting Church of Australia, supporting vulnerable people to access the resources they need for their health, wellbeing and participation in their local community.
MacKillop Family Services, a Catholic community agency, exists to support, foster hope and promote justice for children, young people and families, particularly those who have experienced distress, disadvantage and abuse.
AMEP (Adult Migrant English Program) centres across northern Melbourne offer English courses that also teach about Australian society, culture and customs.