specialised and intensive services

specialised support for refugees and people seeking asylum with exceptional needs.

Spectrum’s specialised and intensive services provide specialised support and case management services for refugees and asylum seekers with exceptional needs.

Who the program is for

Spectrum’s Specialised & Intensive Services Team can help if you are within the first five years of settling in Australia.

You need to hold one of these Visa types

  • Refugee (subclasses 200,201,203,204)
  • Special Humanitarian Program (subclass 202)
  • Permanent protection (subclass 866)
  • All temporary protection (subclasses 785, 449, 786, 790 – subject to approval of DSS).

There may be some flexibility on this timeframe and Visa subclasses in exceptional circumstances.
Call Spectrum to talk about what you need.

How we can help

Spectrum’s experienced and compassionate team can work with you for up to six months and help you with:

  • Health needs that are severe, critical, long term and/or needing support;
  • Disability & /or aged care
  • Mental health issues that significantly impact your daily life;
  • Homelessness or housing instability;
  • Domestic and family violence; or
  • Child and youth welfare concerns.

 Where to start?

You will need a referral so that we can work with you.

Option 1: Self-Referral

You can refer yourself by

Option 2: Someone else refers you

Other organisations can refer you to us including:

  • Community Organisations;
  • Settlement service providers;
  • Health organisations and practitioners;
  • Community groups;
  • Teachers and school counsellors; and
  • police officers.


Level 5, 61 Riggall Street
Dallas VIC 3047
Open 9 am - 5 pm, Monday to Friday

For all mail, please send to: Spectrum, PO Box 101, Dallas VIC 3047
Tel: (03) 9977 9000


163 Harvester Road
Sunshine VIC 3020
Open 9 am to 5 pm, Tuesday to Friday
Tel: (03) 9300 8600