October 29, 2023

A statement on the conflict in the Middle East

For the past three weeks, the world has been shocked and appalled by the events occurring in Israel and Gaza. The atrocities committed on innocent civilians, and the mounting number of lives lost, injured, and displaced is both alarming and deplorable.

Although occurring thousands of kilometres away, many in our Spectrum community – our staff, clients, local communities – feel the pain of these devastating events most acutely. Many will have family or friends directly affected. Closer to home, incidences of intolerance compound feelings of fear and distress.

Spectrum continues to hold all people and communities impacted by the crisis in our thoughts. We stand alongside our colleagues in fervently advocating for compassion and an immediate ceasefire.

Spectrum firmly denounces the escalating violence and suffering; we join our peak body, Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV), in calling for “a comprehensive, enduring peaceful resolution, ensuring the safety of all civilians in both countries”.

For advice on managing distressing events (available in a range of languages) visit the Australian Red Cross website.
If you need help to find or contact a family member affected by the conflict, contact the Red Cross Tracing Service.