aged care services

Spectrum enables aging people with culturally diverse backgrounds to feel at home

Are you aged 65 years or older, and finding you can no longer do the things you used to be able to do?

Is coping with the situation at home becoming harder?

Do you no longer have the energy to keep up with everything?

We can help you get the support you need.

We can help you to:

  • access government funding
  • understand program eligibility
  • connect to the right services

Spectrum’s aged care services

We have a range of services to help older people come together, stay active, live independently and engage in the community.

Here are just some of the services we offer:

Contact Us

For more information about our programs and eligibility, or to find out how we can assist you, contact us on 1300 735 635 or email us at


New Aged Care Standards

From 1 July 2019, all organisations providing aged care services in Australia must comply with new Aged Care Quality Standards.
Learn more here.


New Charter of Aged Care Rights

The new Charter provides the same rights to all consumers, and applies to consumers when they start receiving Australian government funded aged care.

You can download a copy of the charter in many languages here.

Your Spectrum Aged Care staff member can discuss the charter with you

  • You can choose to sign the charter
  • If you wish to sign the charter, please hand the signed charter to the Spectrum staff member who will record it on your file, and return a copy to you.
  • You can continue to receive services even if you do not wish to sign the charter.



Aged Care Advocacy

Advocacy is helping someone to have their voice heard. Spectrum recognises the importance of maintaining your right to use an advocate or representative of your choice. You can select and involve an advocate or a chosen representative to participate or act on your behalf. Our staff will work cooperatively with your nominated advocate and show the same respect to the advocate as shown to you.

If you want more information about aged care advocacy, go to: 

  • Visit the Older Persons Advocacy NetworkOPAN website. Call OPAN on 1800 700 600 between 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday, and 10am – 4pm Saturday 
  • Call the Victorian Elders Rights Advocacy Service on 1800 700 600 supports older people, their families and representatives in Victoria address issues related to Commonwealth funded aged care services. The service is free, independent and confidential. 
  • Visit the Council of the Ageing - COTA Victoria’s website 
  • Seniors Rights Victoria, Level 2, Suite 2.5, 424 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne 3004 Phone 1300 368 821 (10-5pm Monday to Friday)